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Innovative Storyteller - Amit Deondi
He also works as a voice actor. Deondi has been in the entertainment industry for several years, and his experience is evident in the success of his projects. He has a passion for storytelling and is dedicated to creating new and innovative ways to tell stories. His work in film, television and animation has earned him recognition from both audiences and critics alike. Deondi is a creative force to be reckoned with, and his projects are sure to delight viewers for years to come.
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I hold a mandate from a Russian Client who wants his funds reinvested using 3rd party due to the current sanctions, which means all aspect of the transaction will remain confidential, you will be paid 25% or you can buy shares into the new investment, we can also invest in your company if it’s for expansion only, we believe you are trusted and capable that’s why we have contacted you.
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It’s a pleasure to connect with you, My name is Helmut A. Kimberly, am an investment consultant with RSL-Project Management Service C0, I have been mandated by the company to source for investment opportunities and companies seeking for funding, business loans, for its project(s). Do you have any investment or project that is seeking for capital to fund it?
Our Investments financing focus is on:
Seed Capital, Early-Stage, Start-Up Ventures, , Brokerage, Private Finance, Renewable Energy Project, Commercial Real Estate, Blockchain, Technology, Telecommunication, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Animal Breeding, Hospitality, Healthcare, Oil/Gas/Refinery. Application reserved for business executives and companies with proven business records in search of funding for expansion or for capital investments..
Kindly contact me for further details.
await your return e.mail soonest.
Dr. Helmut A. Kimberly
Address: 72469 Jahra Road Shuwaikh Industrial, Kuwait
Tel: +96550422388
Email: rsl.fudiciary@debtloanfinanceconsultant.com
It’s a pleasure”
It’s a pleasure to connect with you, My name is Hamud Zayed Ali, am an investment consultant with RSL-Project Management Service C0, I have been mandated by the company to source for investment opportunities and companies seeking for funding, business loans, for its project(s). Do you have any investment or project that is seeking for capital to fund it?
Our Investments financing focus is on:
Seed Capital, Early-Stage, Start-Up Ventures, , Brokerage, Private Finance, Renewable Energy Project, Commercial Real Estate, Blockchain, Technology, Telecommunication, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Animal Breeding, Hospitality, Healthcare, Oil/Gas/Refinery. Application reserved for business executives and companies with proven business records in search of funding for expansion or forcapital investments..
Kindly contact me for further details.
await your return e.mail soonest.
Dr. Hamud Zayed Ali
Address: 72469 Jahra Road Shuwaikh Industrial, Kuwait
Tel: +96550422388
Email: rsl.fudiciary@debtloanfinanceconsultant.com
It’s a pleasure”
I have the directive of Sheikh Mubarak to source for a partner abroad who can accommodate 17M USD for Investments. The sums are derived from a Supply Contract carried out by a foreign Petroleum Company in Ukraine.
We shall reassign the necessary documents to reflect your name and also ensure payment is done by Ukraine Petroleum Company. I guaranty we shall implement this transaction under a legitimate arrangement without breaking the law.
More details will follow upon your reply to: van.gurt111@gmail.com
Van Gurt
ReplyTo: van.gurt111@gmail.com
Extremely great, and I’d like to participate in any upcoming workshops
A well planned, interactive session that makes one curious to acquire more knowledge.
It was very well planned session where you can learn many things in small Span of time.
The session was very insightful and got the gist of voice acting and really loved the dubbing session
It was a life changing experience.
It was a power packed informative session. We loved doing the exercises taught by Amit.
Never before had did I realise in this depth that the same words/sentences could be so diverse & meaningful spoken under different modulations. So indeed very empowering.
Informative and Inspiring
Yeah it was really good and fun loving.
The session was awesome and it helped me learn that our body language plays an important role while presenting our thoughts to others. It will be helping people in every aspect of communication skills.
It was a Confidence Booster for me! It Positvely Changed my Perspective for this Art.
Amazing, well structured and organised
It was a great session overall.